Thursday, February 25, 2010

Six Months

So as of three days ago... I have been in Turkey for six months! It's pretty crazy. The time has gone so fast, and I know it will only go faster from here on out. It really doesn't feel like I have been here for half of an entire year!
My return to America is scheduled to be sometime between July 1st and 7th, but I am guessing it will be on July 2nd.
I don't like to think about going home! At first I thought about home so much because I just couldn't help it, but now I am so used to living here and I am so happy to be here that thinking about leaving makes me so nervous! I feel like I still have so much to do. Fortunately I still have four months left, but I am finding myself wishing for more time. If I didn't have a big exchange student conference to go to July 9th in Michigan I would probably try to extend my time here, but I think (I know!) the conference will be a lot of fun, too.
I have started to work really hard at learning Turkish. I feel like I was being extremely lazy about it before and I am kicking myself. Now I am making flashcards, studying them during school, and having my little host sister quiz me on them (she's also very helpful to me in that she points out random objects and tells me their Turkish name.) Just today I started reading "Alacakaranlık" ("Twilight") to try an improve myself. It's pretty slow going so far, but with the help of my dictionary and what I remember from reading it in English I think I'll get through it in time.
The weather here has been unusually warm for February. It's quite nice, but a little stormy today.
Well, that's a basic update. I will try to put up more photos soon, now that I have figured out how (or rather, now that I know I can use the school's computer to do it.)
I hope you are all well at home! Take care,
<3 Lydia

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